read please.....
*All chairpersons/secretaries from all zone branches (i.e RUCO, TU-ICo, MUCE, CDTI, DONBOSCO and KLERUU)! submit the details of all members of your branches before saturday 9th, June 2012, and the quarterly report fully completed to the ZONE SECRETARY GENERAL (Donald Samwel).
*members details required includes: full name, sex, marital status, university/college, course & duration, phone, and e-mail.
*Also be informed that the zonal leaders meeting will be on SATURDAY noon this week get prepared and bring your self with the documents that will be required to the meeting, diverge from delay please!!!!!
*Any excuse, comments, opinions or any other conversation should be sent to the zonal e-mail.
*Please Report about this site to any Iringa zone leader and the builder(secretary general) will be informed immediately, thanks for your cooperation...
*The zone E-mail is:
*.........// is:
by; Donald Samwel.
iringa zone secretary general.